среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Vic: No liquids on UK, US flights after terror plot revealed

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: No liquids on UK, US flights after terror plot revealed

MELBOURNE, Aug 11 AAP - All passengers flying from Melbourne to Britain and the United
States have been banned from carrying any liquid in their luggage following an alleged
plot to blow up trans-Atlantic planes.

Melbourne Airport spokesman Geoffrey Conaghan said people flying to Britain and the
US could not carry liquids on their flights.

"That'd be checked at the boarding gate but people will also be told when they're checking
in, and I presume all liquids means absolutely no liquids, which would probably include
things like hand creams and moisturisers, and also solutions for contact lenses and that
sort of stuff," Mr Conaghan told ABC Radio today.

He advised passengers to arrive early for their flights and watch developments in Britain.

Police have arrested 24 people, most of Pakistani origin, in a series of raids, and
further arrests are likely.

"It's a case of keep in contact with your airline, and listen to media reports," he said.

The restrictions do not affect domestic flights or services to countries other than
Britain or the US, Mr Conaghan said.

A shared Qantas, Air France and British Airways service from London via Singapore arrived
in Melbourne shortly after 5am (AEST) today, a few minutes behind schedule.

The next flight from London to Melbourne is due at 7pm.

Three flights from Melbourne to Los Angeles, the first departing at 10.30am, a 3.30pm
Melbourne to London service via Singapore and an 11pm flight to Hong Kong and London are
all scheduled to depart on time.

AAP jrd/ce/jjs


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