воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

Largest communications agencies.(MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY UPDATE)

Following is Agri Marketing's annual listing of the largest marketing communications agencies whose clients sell products and services within the agricultural industry and/or to the rural lifestyle consumer.

To be included in this listing, an agency was required to complete a survey questionnaire and include its Income information.

For a more comprehensive listing of all of the agencies providing to service to the four categories, go to:

www.AgriMarketing.com and from the upper left hand corner access the "Archived Issues" link. Then view the 2011 Marketing Services Guide.

At the request of the participating agencies, "Income" is the standard that is used to report the findings rather than "Billings." Billings can be calculated in a number of different methods: whereas Income is a more standardized statistic. Income is defined as all revenues received by the agency for performing services on behalf of their client.

All amounts shown are in thousands of U.S. dollars.


Following are definitions of each category:

* Agribusiness: clients that are selling products/services to ag producers, ranchers and integrators. Also includes the distribution channel, landowners or others specifying products such as veterinarians, nutritionists, crop consultants, professional farm managers, Certified Crop Advisers (CCA), etc. This category includes seed, traits, crop protection, plant nutrients, machinery, animal health, feed, farmstead structures, water management: etc.

* Producer-funded: clients that are funded by ag producer or rancher-supported organizations. This category includes check-off organizations, industry-related trade associations, co-ops, etc.

* Rural Lifestyle: clients that are selling products and/or services to hobby/sundowner farmers and rural lifestyle consumers.

* Professional products: clients that are selling products and/or services to the companion animal: turf & ornamental: landscape, golf course, roadway maintenance or similar markets,


Kansas City, MO; 816/842-5983. FAX: 816/221-5833

Other locations: Calgary, AB; Sacramento, CA; St. Louis. MO; Fargo, ND; Guelph, ON

New Business Contact: Kathryn Pinke, kathryn.pinke@adfarmonline.com

              Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional               Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $12,069       $11,092       $813       $153           $11IncomeNo. of            83            72EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    50%        20%        50%            0%Public                         20%        30%        30%            0%RelationsSales                          10%         0%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                         10%         0%         0%            0%MarketingInternet/                       5%        30%        10%            0%ElectroniiMktgOther                           5%        20%        10%          100%

Agribusiness Clients: Agrifood Laboratories *. Agrium, Agrotain, Amity Technology *. Agro Equipment *. Bayer CropScience U.S. and Canada, BDO Canada *. Big Iron Farm Show *, Bioindustrial Innovation Centre *: Black Gold Farms, Brandt Agricultural Products *, Brushvale Soy Products *. Buhler Versatile *, Bunge *. Canadian Agri Food Policy Institute *, Canadian Seed Growers Association *, Canadian Seed Trade Assoc.*, Canadian Swine Health Board *, Canadian Farm Business Mgmt *, Case IH Roughrider Dealer Group, Case IH South Dakota Dealer Group, Conservis *, CropLife Canada-, Dow AgroSciences Canada, EMD Crop BioScience: Farm Credit Canada *, Genome Alberta *, Geosys *, Heritage Angus Beef *, High Country Bison *. Hubbard Feeds, Hyland Seeds, Intervet (Schering-Plough) *, Louis Dreyfus * Manitoba Agrologists Conference *. Map Shots, Meyers Norris Penny *, Midwest Potato Services, Monaghan Mushrooms *, Northern CA Water Assoc. *, No. Dakota Dept. of Agriculture *: NorthStar Genetics: Novus Intl: Ontario Ministry of Ag * Food & Rural Affairs *, Pfizer Canada *. PIC North American Marketing *, Plains Grain and Agronomy, Rabo AgriFinance, Rabobank Int'l *, RBC Royal Bank *, Richardson Intl *, Rural Ontario Institute *, Swanston Farm Equipment *, Synthesis Network *, Techmark *, Twin Valley Co-op *, United Farmers of Alberta *, Wolf Trax, XL Foods *

Producer-Funded Clients: Alberta Agriculture and Food *: Alberta Beef Producers, American Crystal Sugar Company, American Hereford Assoc. *, California Ag Communications Coalition, Canadian Angus Association *, Canadian Pork Council *, Canola Council of Canada *: Dairy Farms Assoc., Flax Canada 2015 *, Flowers Canada *, Grain Farmers of Ontario *, Minnesota Corn Growers *, No. Dakota Corn Growers Assoc. *, No. Dakota Soybean Growers Assoc.*, No. Dakota Soybean Council *, Northern Food Grade Soybean Assoc. *, Ontario Pork *, Pork Marketing Canada *, United Potato Growers *

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Canadian 4-H Council", Ducks Unlimited", Just-In-Case Fire"

Professional Products Clients: Canadian Nursery Landscaping", Stewart Bros. Nurseries"


Brookfield, WI; 262/784-7200, FAX: 262/938-5555 Other locations:

Chicago, IL; Lincoln: NE

New Business Contact: Allison Lauer, alauer@bader-rutter.com

             Agency                 Producer-  Rural      Professional             Total    Agribusiness  Funded     Lifestyle  ProductsAgency       $25,872  $16,314       $1,350     $1,935     $2,133Income:Mo. of       180      152EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising           32%           30%        30%        30%Public                31%           30%        35%        33%RelationsSales                 2%            0%         0%         0%PromotionDirect                17%           25%        25%        20%MarketingInternet/             18%           15%        10%        17%ElectronicMktgOther                 0%            0%         0%         0%

Agribusiness Clients: Dow AgroSciences (1981); John Deere Financial (2003); Mycogen Seeds (1998); Pfizer Animal Health (2010)

Producer-Funded Clients: Dairy Management Inc. (2008): U.S. Dairy Export Council (2010)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Dow AgroSciences; John Deere Financial; Pfizer Animal Health

Professional Products Clients: Dow AgroSciences; Propane Education and Research Council (PERC)


Clayton. MO; 314/726-0700, FAX: 314/721-8517

Other Locations: Memphis, TN

              Agency  Agribusiness  Producer-      Rural  Professions               Total                   Funded  Lifestyle     ProductsAgency       $54,953        $3,585         $0         $0       $0 S50Income                  47            25MEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    32%        30%        30%          30%Public                         31%        30%        35%          33%RelationsSales                           2%         0%         0%           0%PromotionDirect                         17%        25%        25%          20%MarketingInternet/                      18%        15%        10%          17%ElectronicMktgOther                           0%         0%         0%           0%

All dollar amounts are reported in U.S. thousands.

(*) Denotes projects only.

Agribusiness Clients: Horizon Ag (2006): Monsanto: Deltapine (2007): Acceleron (2008); Performance Plus, other services (2009); Natura Pet Products (2006)

Professional Products Clients: Willmar Fabrication (2010)


Minneapolis, MN: 612/623-8000, FAX: 612/623-4810

Other Locations: San Francisco: CA; Washington. DC

New Business Contact: Dean Broadhead: dbroadhead@broadheadco.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency         4125          3850         NA         NA            NAIncomeNo. of           42            35EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   35%         0%         0%            0%Public                        20%        60%         0%            0%RelationsSales                         10%        15%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                        15%         0%         0%            0%MarketingInternet/                     20%        25%         0%            0%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: AGCO: AGCO, Challenger, Massey Ferguson (2008); Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica (2009); DECCO (2007); Emerald BioAgriculture (2001); GEVO (2010); Marrone Bio Innovations (2008); Oxbo International (2009): Phibro Ethanol Performance Group (2008); Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (2005); Purple Wave Auctions (2010): QualiTech (2010); Shaw's Knox Fertilizer (2007); The Mosaic Company (2008); USDA APHIS" (2010); USDA Rural Development * (2010)

Producer-Funded Clients: Almond Board of California (2005); Minnesota Corn Growers Association* (2010); National Corn Growers Association* (2001); Renewable Fuels Association (2009); U.S. Farm & Ranch Alliance * (2010); United Sorghum Checkoff Program (2009)


Hartland, WI; 262/563-5100. FAX: 262/563-5101

New Business Contact: Kristi Eichman, keichman@charlestonorwig.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $7,595        $6.830       $537       $106            $0IncomeNo. of           61            59EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   41%        48%        80%            0%Public                        33%        31%        15%            0%RelationsSales                          0%         0%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                         8%        10%         5%            0%MarketingInternet/                     18%        11%         0%            0%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: Alpharma (2007); Arm & Hammer (2001); Chemtura Corp.: crop protection (2008); Dairy Business Association (2010); Dairyland Seed Company Inc. (1993); Farmland Foods (2008); HerdStar LLC (2007); Hoard's Dairyman (2003); Murphy Brown (2005); Murray Wise Association (2006); Novartis Animal Health (2009): Novozymes (2010); Pfizer Animal Genetics (2008); Pfizer Animal Health (2008); Smithfield Foods Inc. (2003); United Soybean Board (2009)

Producer-Funded Clients: Dairy Business Association (2010); Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (2006); Illinois Soybean Association * (2011); National Cattlemen's Beef Association (2004); Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin (2002); United Soybean Board* (2009); US Wheat Associates Inc. (2007)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Dairyland Seed Co. Inc. (1993); Murray Wise (2006)


Minneapolis: MN; 612/305-6000, FAX: 612/305-6500

New Business Contact: Phil Johnson, phil.johnson@collemcvoy.com

              AgEncy                Producer-      Rural  Protessional               Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $24,700        $3,890        $90       $390        $4,780IncomeNo. of           160EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    37%         0%         0%           37%Public                         21%       100%       100%           21%RelationsSales                           2%         0%         0%            2%PromotionDirect                          2%         0%         0%            2%MarketingInternet/                      34%         0%         0%           34%ElectronicMktgOther                           4%         0%         0%            4%

Agribusiness Clients: CHS (1994); DuPont Ag & Nutrition (2007); Land O'Lakes (2000); Nutrition Physiology Company (2009)

Producer-Funded Clients: North American Olive Oil Association (2002)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Propane Education & Research Council (2008)

Professional Products Clients: Nestle Purina (2000); Novartis Animal Health (2003); Winfield Solutions (2010)


Hastings, NE; 402/462-6226, FAX: 402/461-3123

New Business Contact: Dave Buchholz, dave@teamdavid.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Protessiona              Total  Agribusiness    Fundeti  Litestyle     ProductsAgency       $1,218          $290       $413        $83          $18IncomeNo. of            8             8EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   40%        31%        30%          10%Public                        15%        48%        25%          40%RelationsSales                         18%         0%         5%          10%PromotionDirect                         5%         0%        25%           0%MarketingInternet/                     22%       21 %        15%          40%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%           0%

Agribusiness Clients: 5 Trails Winery * (2009); Ag & Food Associates * (2004); Arrow Seed (2009); Aurora Cooperative (2008); Cargill Health & Nutrition * (2008); Clean Flex Power Systems (2010); Custer Public Power District * (2004); East Kansas Agri-Energy (2010); Kugler Co. (1987); MFS/York/Stormor * (1997); ONEOK Energy Marketing * (2004); Raven Industries (2007); Response Products (2004)

Producer-Funded Clients: American Soybean Association * (2007); Clean Fuels Development Coalition * (1993); Corn Farmers Coalition (2010); Governors' Biofuel Coalition (2008); Governors' Wind Energy Coalition (2008); Missouri Corn Merchandising (2010); National Corn Growers Association * (2002); Nebraska Corn Board (1987); Nebraska Corn Growers Association (1988); Nebraska Ethanol Board (1984); Nebraska Pork Producers Association * (1991); Nebraska Soybean Association * (2008); Nebraska Wine & Grape Growers Association (2010); U.S. Grains Council * (2004); U.S. Meat Export Federation* (2001); Univ. of Nebraska Extension (2004)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: K-Lawn (1984); Nebraska State Fair (2010); Response Products (2004)

Professional Products Clients: Kugler Company (1987); Response Products (2004)


Omaha, NE; 402/614-3000. FAX: 402/614-1586

New Business Contact: Bill Ervin. bill@egintegrated.com

             Agency  Agribusiness  Producer-      Rural  Professional              Total                   Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $1,832        $1,477         $0         $O           $40IncomeMo. of                         10EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   15%         0%         0%            4%Public                        15%         0%         0%            4%RelationsSales                         35%         0%         0%           50%PromotionDirect                        10%         0%         0%            5%MarketingWeb-Based/                    25%         0%         0%           37%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: Greenleaf Genetics; Hoegemeye; Lindsay Corp.

Professional Products Clients: Lindsay Corp./Watertronics


Minneapolis, MN: 612/305-6003, FAX: 612/305-6501

New Business Contact: Tom Lindell, tom.lindell@exponentpr.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professions              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle     ProductsAgency       $5,300          $950        $20       $100       $1,130IncomeNo. of           30EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    0%         0%         0%           0%Public                        76%       100%       100%          80%RelationsSales                          0%         0%         0%           0%PromotionDirect                         0%         0%         0%           0%MarketingWeb-Based/                    24%         0%         0%          20%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%           0%

Agribusiness Clients: CHS (2007); Land O'Lakes (2000): Nutrition Physiology Company (2009)

Producer-Funded Clients: North American Olive Oil Association (2002)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Propane Education & Research Council (2008)

Professional Products Clients: Nestle Purina (2000): Novartis Animal Health (2003)


Worthington, OH; 614/505-6987, FAX: 614/505-7094

Other Locations: Washington, DC; Minneapolis, MN; Bloomington, IL

New Business Contact: Rob McClelland, rmcclelland@wideopenthinking.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professiona              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle     ProductsAgency       $2,000          $218     $1,087         $0         $145IncomeNo. of           17            17EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    0%        15%         0%           0%Public                       100%        65%         0%          50%RelationsSales                          0%         0%         0%          50%PromotionDirect                         0%        10%         0%           0%MarketingInternet/                     24%        10%         0%          20%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%           0%

Agribusiness Clients: CoLlntryMark * (2010); Pfizer Animal Health * (2010); Winfield Solutions* (2008)

Producer-Funded Clients: Illinois Soybean Association * - (2010); Minnesota Soybean Association (2009): Nebraska Soybean Board * (2008): Ohio Soybean Council * (2006): The Ohio State University Extension * (2010); U.S. Grains Council * (2010)

Professional Products Clients: Winfield Solutions * (2009)


Atlanta, GA; 404/237-9945 ext 106, FAX: 404/231-2214

New Business Contact: John Freehairn, jfreebairn@freebairn.com

             Agency                Producer-   Rural      Professional             Total   Agribusiness  Funded      Lilestyle  ProductsAgency       $3,235  $1,100        $0          $0         $0IncomeNo. of       22      16EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising          54%           0%          0%         0%Public               12%           0%          0%         0%RelationsSales                0%            0%          0%         0%PromotionDirect               16%           0%          0%         0%MarketingInternet/            16%           0%          0%         0%ElectronicMktgOther                2%            0%          0%         0%

Agribusiness Clients: Agfirst (2007); MANA Crop Protection (2006)


New York, NY; 212/697-2600, FAX: 212/697-2646

Other Locations: Hoffman Estates, IL; Raleigh, NC

New Business Contact: Ann Camden, acamden@gibbs-soell.com

              Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professiona               Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle     ProductsAgency       $15,274        $9,787         $O         $0         $130IncomeNo. of            91            44EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                     0%         0%         0%           0%Public                        100%         0%         0%         100%RelationsSales                           0%         0%         0%           0%PromotionDirect                          0%         0%         0%           0%MarketingInternet/                       0%         0%         0%           0%ElectronkMktgOther                           0%         0%         0%           0%

Agribusiness Clients: Ag Software Designs (2010); Georgia-Pacific (2004); Great Plains Oil & Exploration (2007): Honeywell (1999); Koch Agronomic Services (2010): Novartis Animal Health (2008); Pfizer Poultry Health (2009); Segetis, Inc. (2008); Syngenta Agrisure Traits (2004): Syngenta Biotechnology (2010); Syngenta Crop Protection (2000): Syngenta Seed Care (2000); The Sulfur Institute (2010)

Professional Products Clients: Novartis Animal Health (2008)


Austin, TX; 512/502-5141, FAX: 512/502-5211

Other Locations: Darlington, WI

New Business Contact: Lynn Balinas. lynn.balinas@hondogroup.com

             Agency                Producer-  Rural     Professional              Tolal  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle     ProductsAgency           NA        $1.100         $O         $0           $0IncomeNo. of           14            14EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   20%         0%         0%           0%Public                        40%         0%         0%           0%RelationsSales                         10%         0%         0%           0%PromotionDirect                         5%         0%         0%           0%Marketinginternet/                     25%         3%         0%           0%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%           0%

Agribusiness Clients: ABS Global (2009); AgriLabs * (2009); Badger Veterinary Hospital (2007): Balchem Animal Nutrition & Health (2010): CRV (2011); Diamond V Mills * (2007): Golden Acres Genetics (2008); Nelson Plant Food (2007); Precision Laboratories (2010); Prince Agri Products * (2007); Sadex Corporation (2005); StollerUSA (2001): TyraTech * (2007)

Producer-Funded Clients: American Hereford Association (2009); National Dairy Shrine * (2007); World Beet Expo * (2007)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Southwest Securities, FSB* (2007)


Syracuse, NY; 315/476-1646, FAX: 315/476-1611

New Business Contact: Michael Ancillotti,mancillotti@lpm-adv.com

           Agency                Producer-  Rural      Professions:           Total   Agribusiness  Funded     Lifestyle  ProductsAgency         NA          $370         $0         $0            $0IncomeNo. of         21            21Employees

Agribusiness Clients: Dairy One (2002); LELY (2006); Pfizer Animal Health (2010); Veterinary News Network (2007)

Producer-Funded Clients: American Dairy Association (1980); Mid-Atlantic Dairy Council (2007); National Dairy Council (2007); New York Center for Dairy Excellence (2008); NY Farm Viability Institute (2008); Sudia (2010)


Amarillo, TX; 806/374-5333, FAX: 806/372-7040

Other Locations: Des Moines, IA; Kansas City, MO; Embro, ON, Guelph, ON

New Business Contact: Mark Perrin, perrin@mccormickcompany.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency           NA       $16,182       $526         $0            $0IncomeNo. of                        103EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   61%        60%         0%            0%Public                        21%        25%         0%            0%RelationsSales                          1%         0%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                        10%        15%         0%            0%MarketingInternet/                      7%         0%         0%            0%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: AgriLabs (2001); Becker Underwood (2009); Becker Underwood: Canada (2009); DuPont Crop Protection (2001); DuPont Crop Protection: Canada (2004); Elanco Animal Health: beef business unit (1999); parasiticides (2003); global cattle marketing (2006): food industry and consumer affairs (2007); corporate affairs (2008); Elanco Canada: beef cattle products (2006); Elanco Food Solutions (2009); Growth Enhancement Technologies Information Team (2002); Hy-Line (2008); Pioneer Hi-Bred (1968); Pioneer Hi-Bred (2002); Pioneer Hi-Bred: Canada (1987); PM Beef (2008): Teva Animal Health. Inc. (2010); Unverferth (2002)

Producer-Funded Clients: Cattlemen's Beef Board (2008); Coalition to Support Iowa Farmers (2004); Iowa Beef Industry Council (2002); Iowa Soybean Assoc (2006); National Cattlemen's Beef Assoc (2004); National Pork Producers Council (2004): National Sorghum Producers (2009); Texas Cattle Feeders Assoc (1968); United Sorghum Checkoff Program (2009)

Professional Products Clients: Elanco Companion Animal (2005)


Pekin, IL; 309/346-4230, 866/431-4230, FAX: 309/346-8458

Other Locations: East Moline, IL; Roscoe, IL

New Business Contact: Randy McDaniels, rmcdaniels@mcdmarketing.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $1,350           $75       $375         $0            $0IncomeNo. of           21            14EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   20%        20%         0%            0%Public                         5%        15%         0%            0%RelationsSales                         35%        20%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                        10%        15%         0%            0%MarketingInternet/                     30%        30%         0%            0%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: AgVenture (2010); FBi Buildings Inc. (2003); Innoquest (2009)

Producer-Funded Clients: Illinois Soybean Association (1992)


Kansas City. MO; 816/842-8881, FAX: 816/842-6340

New Business Contact: F. Peter Kovac, pkovac@nicholsonkovac.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $8.205        $2.500         $0         $0          $375IncomeNo. of           61            40EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   40%         0%         0%           25%Public                        18%         0%         0%           25%RelationsSales                         10%         0%         0%           15%PromotionDirect                        10%         0%         0%           20%MarketingInternet/                     20%         0%         0%           10%ElectronicMktgOther                          2%         0%         0%            5%

Agribusiness Clients: FMC (2002); Grundfos Pumps (2009)

Professional Products Clients: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America: Vetoquinol USA


St. Louis, MO; 314/726-5511, 888/235-4332, FAX: 314/726-6350

Other Locations: Kansas City, MO

New Business Contact: Jared Spader, spaderj@osborn-barr.com

              Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional               Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $21,429       $15,716     $4,208       $595          $216IncomeNo. of           129           107EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    80%         0%       100%          100%Public                         20%       100%         0%            0%RelationsSales                           0%         0%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                          0%         0%         0%            0%MarketingInternet/                       0%         0%         0%            0%ElectronicMktgOther                           0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: AGCO: Application Equipment Division (2009); AgraQuest (2010); American Farm Bureau Federation (2007); DV Auction (2009); FCS Financial (2005); lntervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health (2002); Livestock Improvement Corp. (2010); Michelin North America (2003): Monsanto (1988); New Wave Communications (2009); Propane Education & Research Council (2002); Qualisoy (2005); SFP (2005); USDA: Rural Development (2004); National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) (2006)

Producer-Funded Clients: Mississippi Soybean Promotions (2010); National Pork Board (2003); Smith, Bucklin & Associates (1998); Southwestern Association (2007); United Soybean Board (1995); U.S. Soybean Export Council (2008)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Anheuser-Busch Outdoor: Anheuser-Busch. Budweiser (2009); Honeywell Safety Products (2009)

Professional Products Clients: ICL Performance Products. LP (2006): Kennelwood Pet Resorts (2010)


Sioux Falls, SD; 605/336-1745, FAX: 605/336-2305

New Business Contact: Greg Guse, greg.guse@paulsenmarketing.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $4,000        $2.550       $150       $500            $0IncomeNo. of           34            34EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                   25%        40%        50%            0%Public                        20%        25%        15%            0%RelationsSales                          0%         0%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                        20%         0%        10%            0%MarketingWeb-Based/                    35%        35%        25%            0%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: AgroLiquid Fertilizer * (2009); Ecolab Inc.* (1993); Grain States Soya (1997); Growth Energy (2009); Hubbard Life Feeds * (1992); Kubota Credit Corporation (2000); Kubota Tractor (2000): McCauley's Equine Formulas * (2006); Mid-State Seed* (2010); Omega Protein * (2009); POET Nutrition (2007); Ridley Block Operations (1996); Select Sires * (2010); The Mosaic Company * (2010): The Wheatgrowers Cooperative (2006); WildBlue Satellite Internet (2007): Worthington Ag Parts * (1986)

Producer-Funded Clients: Ag United for South Dakota (2004); South Dakota Corn Utilization Council' (2003); South Dakota Soybean Council* (1992)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Walter Gardens (2006); WildBlue (2007)


Saint Louis, MO; 314/469-3500. FAX: 314/469-3512

New Business Contact: Julie Steininger, jsteininger@standingpr.com

             Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professionl              Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle     ProductsAgency       $3,326          $504        $39         $0           $0IncomeMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    0%         0%         0%           0%Public                       100%       100%         0%           0%RelationsSales                          0%         0%         0%           0%PromotionDirect                         0%         0%         0%           0%MarketingInternet/                      0%         0%         0%           0%ElectronicMktgOther                          0%         0%         0%           0%

Agribusiness Clients: Monsanto

Producer-Funded Clients: St. Louis Dairy Council; United Soybean Board


Kansas City, MO; 816/474-1333. 800/809 ext 0884. FAX: 816/474-3427 Other Locations: Wichita, KS; McLean, VA

New Business Contact: Rand Mikelecky. rand@wehatesheep.com

              Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional               Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $11,850        $4,750     $1,066         $0            $0IncomeNo. of           100            36EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    30%        40%         0%            0%Public                         30%        10%         0%            0%RelationsSales                          15%        30%         0%            0%PromotionDirect                          5%         0%         0%            0%MarketingInternet/                      15%        15%         0%            0%ElectronicMktgOther                           5%         5%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: Cargill Meat Solutions (2002); Merial Limited (2010); Meyer Natural Foods (2009)

Producer-Funded Clients: Dairy Famers of America: Cooperative. Borden Cheese, Cache Valley Cheese (2008); Midwest Dairy Association * (2009); Shatto Milk Company (2003)


Lincoln. NE; 402/437-6400, FAX: 402/437-6401 Branch office: Omaha. NE

New Business Contact: Wes Neuhaus, wesn@swansonrussell.com

              Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional               Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle      ProductsAgency       $12,135        $1,547       $262       $668        $3,396IncomeNo. of           130            62EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    30%        50%        30%           54%Public                         25%        25%        30%          11 %RelationsSales                           5%         0%         5%            3%PromotionDirect                         15%         0%         5%           12%MarketingInternet/                      25%        25%        30%           20%ElectronicMktgOther                           0%         0%         0%            0%

Agribusiness Clients: AGP * (1994); FMC Corporation (2010); Global Animal Management (2001); intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health (1994); JCB (2010); KINZE Manufacturing (2010); Land 0' Lakes Purina Feed LLC (2006): Reinke Manufacturing Company (2008); RFD-TV (2010)

Producer-Funded Clients: Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska (2010); The Fertilizer Institute (2010); United Farmers Co-op (2010)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: Ariens Company (2006); Land O'Lakes Purina (2007)

Professional Products Clients: Blount (2010); Briggs & Stratton Commercial Power (2004): Briggs & Stratton Home Power (2002); Corona Clipper (2004); E-Z-GO (2007); Ecke * (2007); Gravely (2010); Jacobsen (2008); Profile (1999); Project Evergreen (2005); Rain Bird (1994); Scotts Professional Business Group (2003); Stuppy (2005); Turfco (1997); Vermeer (2008); Vista Professional Lighting (2005); West Coast Turf (1992)


Kansas City. MO; Calgary, AB; Columbia. MO

403/291-2922, FAX: 403/291-2365

New Business Contact: Tom Apple: tapple@woodruffsweitzer.com

              Agency                Producer-      Rural  Professional               Total  Agribusiness     Funded  Lifestyle     Pro duelsAgency       $10,230        $6.426        $70       $151        $2,447IncomeNo. of            48            48EmployeesMEDIA USAGEAdvertising                    33%        34%       100%           27%Public                         19%        26%         0%            7%RelationsSales                           8%         3%         0%            9%PromotionDirect                         14%        18%         0%           26%MarketingInternet/                      25%        17%         0%           29%ElectronicMktgOther                           1%         2%         0%            2%

Agribusiness Clients: Arysta LifeScience Canada (2003); Arysta LifeScience U.S. (2000); ASTech (2008); Bayer HealthCare Canada (2006); Beefbooster (2007); Beyond Agronomy * (2010); Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica (2009); Canada Gold Beef (2010); Diamond Pet Foods (2005); Immvac * (2007); Kubota Tractor Canada * (2010); Kubota Tractor U.S. * (1999); MFA Oil (2010); Morris Industries (2009); Norbrook Labs * (2008); Show Me Shortline/Richiger * (2009); Versatile (2009); Westway Feeds * (2010); Wyffels Hybrids (2009); ZinPro * (2010)

Producer-Funded Clients: Alberta Beef Quality Starts Here (2004); Alberta Cattle Feeders Association (2010); Beefbooster (2007); Canadian Hereford * (2007); National Pork Board: retail * (2005)

Rural Lifestyle Clients: MFA Oil (2010); Western Financial Group (2006) Professional Products Clients: Arysta LifeScience (2003): Bayer HealthCare Canada, Companion Animal Health (2006); Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica (2009); Vetericyn * (2010).

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