The state attorney general's office has been in touch with thelawyer for Wendy's Bridal, the closed wedding shop at 908 QuarrierSt., and "they want to try to take care of the situation" with theircustomers, said a deputy attorney general. "We have worked out anagreement with respect to some of the merchandise," said Jill Miles,the deputy attorney general who oversees the attorney general'sConsumer Protection Division. "That's really all I can say at thispoint.
"Obviously, we are going to do everything we can to make sureeverybody gets a full refund or gets their merchandise in time fortheir wedding," Miles said.
Wendy's has been closed for the past several days. Some brides-to-be and their relatives said they've unsuccessfully tried to getin touch with the store's owners for the past week.
"At this point in time, I want anybody who feels they have beenvictimized by Wendy's Bridal to call our 800 number and file awritten complaint," Miles said.
The consumer hotline for the attorney general's office is (800)368-8808.
The complaint form also is online. The Internet address iswww.state.wv.us/wvag. The form needs to be printed, signed, andmailed to the attorney general's office. The mailing address is:Office of the Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, P.O.Box 1789, Charleston, WV 25326-1789.
Miles said that as of Tuesday afternoon, the attorney general'soffice had received more than 100 calls about Wendy's Bridal.
A competitor, David's Bridal, issued a press release Tuesdayoffering a 40 percent discount on wedding gowns and bridal partyfashions to brides who can show a proof of a purchase from Wendy's.
David's Bridal opened in Southridge Centre last summer. Thecompany has more than 90 stores in 32 states and Puerto Rico. TheSouthridge store is the company's first in West Virginia.
Writer George Hohmann can be reached at 348-4836 or by e-mail atbusiness@dailymail.com.
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