четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

FED: Education needed to combat youth suicide

FED: Education needed to combat youth suicide

An organisation combating youth suicides says new statistics highlight the need forcommunity education to help prevent young people taking their own lives.

ANDREW KAY, Director of Here For Life, says Australia has one of the highest youthsuicide rates in the world.

Mr KAY says new figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show 339 people aged15 to 24 committed suicide in 2001 -- one more than in the previous year.

Around seven young Australians take their own lives every week while another 400 perweek attempt suicide.

Mr KAY says the figures show community education is needed to help parents, friendsand teachers recognise the warning signs and take preventative action.

AAP RTV ka/nf/arb/rk/rp


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